
Here you can find information on upcoming extended service windows and operational information. 
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Extended service windows

No planned extended service windows.

Operational Information

24-09-2024 - PSD2 API down (solved)

Last updated:

24-09-2024 13:00

The PSD2 API has been down from 00:00 24.09.2024. 

The PSD2 API was repaired at 13:00.

Affected domains:


  • Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Services (FCS)
  • Consent Information Service (CIS)

08-06-2023 - PSD2 API down (solved)

Last updated:

09-06-2023 11:10


09-06-2023 09:50

Expected new status:


The PSD2 API has been down from 08-06-2023 23:00 to 09-06-2023 10:47.
The cause was related with network changes in the general infrastructure having unexpected consequences.

The PSD2 API is now back in stable operation.

Affected domains:


  • Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Services (FCS)

















08-01-2023 - Extended service window - infrastructural changes

Last updated:

03-01-2023 11:20 AM


03-01-2023 11:20 AM

Expected new status:



The extended service window is planned from 08-01-2020 02:00 AM until 08-01-2020 06:00 AM up to the infrastructural changes.












22-11-2022 - PSD2 Auth flows not working (SOLVED)

Last updated:

22-11-2022 12:56


22-11-2022 10:47

Expected new status:



PSD2 Auth flows are down. Due to this issue any consents and payments cannot be authorized by user with MitID.                                                                                                                                                                                                    

We are working on returning proper function. Update will be provided when the problem is solved.

19-11-2022 - Extended service window - infrastructural changes

Last updated:

10-11-2022 11:20 AM


10-11-2022 11:20 AM

Expected new status:



The PSD2 API will be unavailable from 19-11-2022 02:00 AM to approximately 19-11-2022 06:00 AM due to infrastructural changes.

Affected domains:

  • Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Services (FCS)




17-11-2022 - PSD2 API down (SOLVED)

Last updated:

17-11-2022 15:42


17-11-2022 13:26

Expected new status:



The PSD2 API was unavailable from 17-11-2022, 12:00 to 17-11-2022 13:26. The root cause seems to be related with network instability isues.                                                                                                                                                        


Affected domains:


  • Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Services (FCS)

02-11-2022 - PSD2 API down due to internal certificate issue (SOLVED)

Last updated:

02-11-2022 15:30


02-11-2022 15:30

Expected new status:



The PSD2 API has been unavailable in the period from 02-11-2022 11:36 to 02-11-2022 13:05 due to an internal certificate issue between key components.


Affected domain:

PSD2 API down:

  • Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Services (FCS)

28-08-2022 - PSD2 API down (SOLVED)

Last updated:

28-08-2022 04:00 AM


29-08-2022 13:45 AM

Expected new status:



The PSD2 API has been unavailable in the period from 28-08-2022 04:00 AM to 28-08-2022 04:34 PM due to an incident with the mainframe when restarting from a regular update. 


Affected domain:

PSD2 API down:

  • Payment Initiation Service (PIS)
  • Account Information Service (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Service (FCS)

16-06-2022 - Problems on authorizing Payment Initiation on PSD2 API  (SOLVED)

Last updated:

16-06-2022 11:31 AM


16-06-2022 11:12 AM

Expected new status:


Update 16-06-2022 11:31 AM

The MitID based authorization flow for Payment Initiation Services is out of service due in the period 16-06-2020 05:00 to 11:00 due to an issue a with a specific certificate.

Payment Initiations could be initiated in the period but authorization by the PSU using MitID was out of service in the period.


Affected domain:

PSD2 API unstable:

  • Payment Initiation Service (PIS)


The  MitID authorization flow for Payment Initiation Services is out of service due to an issue with a specific  certificate.

  • Payment Initiations can be authorized but authorization by the PSU using MitID is out of service at the moment.

05-06-2022 - AIS, PIS, FCS Extended service window (SOLVED)

Last updated:

07-06-2022 03:35 PM


07-06-2022 03:35 PM

Expected new status:


Affected domain:

PSD2 API unstable:

  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Payment Initiation Service (PIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Service (FCS)

The extended service window lasted June 5 2022 @ 6:00:00 to June 5 2022 @ 6:49:43


Short description:

High numbers of requests results in errors when calling:

  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Payment Initiation Service (PIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Service (FCS)


High number of errors when calling Account Information Services (AIS), Payment Initiation Service (PIS) and Fund Confirmation Service (FCS).
The operational issues are being investigated to find the root cause.

Update 05-06-2022 06:43 AM
Root cause has been found and solved. The dedicated interface has been stable since 6:43.


04-04-2022 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:

05-04-2022 09:30


04-04-2022 14:30

Expected new status:


Affected domain:

PSD2 API - Unstable Account Information Services 

Short description:

High level of requests results in errors when calling Account Information Services (AIS) and Consent Information Services (CIS)


High number of errors when calling Account Information Services (AIS) and Consent Information Services (CIS).
The operational issues are being investigated to find the root cause.

Update 04-04-2022 16:15:
The dedicated interface will be restarted to try to mitigate the high number of errors.
The dedicated interface will be unavailable approx. 15 mins. in the period 04-04-2022 16:20-18:00.

Update 04-04-2022 20:00:
Root cause has been found and solved. The dedicated interface has been stable since 18.25.

Update 05-04-2022 08:00:
The dedicated interface has been unstable since 03:15 and creates a high number of errors again. 
We are working to fix the problem.

Update 05-04-2022 09:30:
Root cause has been found and solved. The dedicated interface has been stable since 09.10.


09-09-2021 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:

09-09-2021 12:00


09-09-2021 12:00

Expected new status:


Affected domain:

PSD2 API - SCA using app switch

Short description:

SCA flows based on app switch is currently not working


Authorizing a payment initiation or authorizing a consent via app switch is currently not working.
We are working on an emergency fix planned to be deployed on September 10th, 2021 in the early morning.

SCA flows based on web is not affected and is still working.

Update: Problem was fixed today (10.09.2021) around 5 am.


19-08-2021 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:

26-08-2021 12:20


19-08-2021 15:30

Expected new status:


Affected domain:

PSD2 API � Account Information Services

Short description:

IBAN is set to null due to wrong IBAN generation in some cases.


IBAN numbers in the  Account Information Services are in some cases derived wrongly in the solution. 
To avoid sharing potential wrong IBAN account information through the PSD2 API it is decided that all parameters with IBAN is set to null until further notice.
BBAN numbers will still be visible as an alternative in the meantime.

Correct calculation of the IBAN numbers is available from August 26th, 2021 12:02.

In a later deploy BBANs will be adapted to always be 14 digits long. This change was earlier part of the same deploy as the IBAN.
For BBANs less than 14 digits today, will be extended using '000' after the first 4 digit registration number of the BBAN (e.g. 11119879879 to 11110009879879).
This BBAN change is now postponed for a later deploy.


18-04-2020 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:
18-04-2020 22:23
18-04-2020 22:05
Expected new status:
Affected domain:
Short description:
Service unavailable
The dedicated interface has been unavailable from 17-04-2020 05:00 to 18-04-2020 21:32.
The issue was related to a failed upgrade in the underlying infrastructure

15-04-2020 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:
15-04-2020 07:38
15-04-2020 08:33
Expected new status:
Affected domain:
Short description:
SOLVED: Service unavailable
The dedicated interface has been unavailable in the period from 15-04-2020 07:38 to 15-04-2020 08:33 due to certificate issues.
The services is restored.

19-11-2022 - Extended service window - infrastructural changes

Last updated:

10-11-2022 11:20 AM


10-11-2022 11:20 AM

Expected new status:



The PSD2 API will be unavailable from 19-11-2022 02:00 AM to approximately 19-11-2022 06:00 AM due to infrastructural changes.

Affected domains:

  • Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Services (FCS)




17-11-2022 - PSD2 API down (SOLVED)

Last updated:

17-11-2022 15:42


17-11-2022 13:26

Expected new status:



The PSD2 API was unavailable from 17-11-2022, 12:00 to 17-11-2022 13:26. The root cause seems to be related with network instability isues.                                                                                                                                                        


Affected domains:


  • Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Services (FCS)

02-11-2022 - PSD2 API down due to internal certificate issue (SOLVED)

Last updated:

02-11-2022 15:30


02-11-2022 15:30

Expected new status:



The PSD2 API has been unavailable in the period from 02-11-2022 11:36 to 02-11-2022 13:05 due to an internal certificate issue between key components.


Affected domain:

PSD2 API down:

  • Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Services (FCS)

28-08-2022 - PSD2 API down (SOLVED)

Last updated:

28-08-2022 04:00 AM


29-08-2022 13:45 AM

Expected new status:



The PSD2 API has been unavailable in the period from 28-08-2022 04:00 AM to 28-08-2022 04:34 PM due to an incident with the mainframe when restarting from a regular update. 


Affected domain:

PSD2 API down:

  • Payment Initiation Service (PIS)
  • Account Information Service (AIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Service (FCS)

16-06-2022 - Problems on authorizing Payment Initiation on PSD2 API  (SOLVED)

Last updated:

16-06-2022 11:31 AM


16-06-2022 11:12 AM

Expected new status:


Update 16-06-2022 11:31 AM

The MitID based authorization flow for Payment Initiation Services is out of service due in the period 16-06-2020 05:00 to 11:00 due to an issue a with a specific certificate.

Payment Initiations could be initiated in the period but authorization by the PSU using MitID was out of service in the period.


Affected domain:

PSD2 API unstable:

  • Payment Initiation Service (PIS)


The  MitID authorization flow for Payment Initiation Services is out of service due to an issue with a specific  certificate.

  • Payment Initiations can be authorized but authorization by the PSU using MitID is out of service at the moment.

05-06-2022 - AIS, PIS, FCS Extended service window (SOLVED)

Last updated:

07-06-2022 03:35 PM


07-06-2022 03:35 PM

Expected new status:


Affected domain:

PSD2 API unstable:

  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Payment Initiation Service (PIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Service (FCS)

The extended service window lasted June 5 2022 @ 6:00:00 to June 5 2022 @ 6:49:43


Short description:

High numbers of requests results in errors when calling:

  • Account Information Services (AIS)
  • Payment Initiation Service (PIS)
  • Fund Confirmation Service (FCS)


High number of errors when calling Account Information Services (AIS), Payment Initiation Service (PIS) and Fund Confirmation Service (FCS).
The operational issues are being investigated to find the root cause.

Update 05-06-2022 06:43 AM
Root cause has been found and solved. The dedicated interface has been stable since 6:43.


04-04-2022 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:

05-04-2022 09:30


04-04-2022 14:30

Expected new status:


Affected domain:

PSD2 API - Unstable Account Information Services 

Short description:

High level of requests results in errors when calling Account Information Services (AIS) and Consent Information Services (CIS)


High number of errors when calling Account Information Services (AIS) and Consent Information Services (CIS).
The operational issues are being investigated to find the root cause.

Update 04-04-2022 16:15:
The dedicated interface will be restarted to try to mitigate the high number of errors.
The dedicated interface will be unavailable approx. 15 mins. in the period 04-04-2022 16:20-18:00.

Update 04-04-2022 20:00:
Root cause has been found and solved. The dedicated interface has been stable since 18.25.

Update 05-04-2022 08:00:
The dedicated interface has been unstable since 03:15 and creates a high number of errors again. 
We are working to fix the problem.

Update 05-04-2022 09:30:
Root cause has been found and solved. The dedicated interface has been stable since 09.10.


09-09-2021 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:

09-09-2021 12:00


09-09-2021 12:00

Expected new status:


Affected domain:

PSD2 API - SCA using app switch

Short description:

SCA flows based on app switch is currently not working


Authorizing a payment initiation or authorizing a consent via app switch is currently not working.
We are working on an emergency fix planned to be deployed on September 10th, 2021 in the early morning.

SCA flows based on web is not affected and is still working.

Update: Problem was fixed today (10.09.2021) around 5 am.


19-08-2021 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:

26-08-2021 12:20


19-08-2021 15:30

Expected new status:


Affected domain:

PSD2 API � Account Information Services

Short description:

IBAN is set to null due to wrong IBAN generation in some cases.


IBAN numbers in the  Account Information Services are in some cases derived wrongly in the solution. 
To avoid sharing potential wrong IBAN account information through the PSD2 API it is decided that all parameters with IBAN is set to null until further notice.
BBAN numbers will still be visible as an alternative in the meantime.

Correct calculation of the IBAN numbers is available from August 26th, 2021 12:02.

In a later deploy BBANs will be adapted to always be 14 digits long. This change was earlier part of the same deploy as the IBAN.
For BBANs less than 14 digits today, will be extended using '000' after the first 4 digit registration number of the BBAN (e.g. 11119879879 to 11110009879879).
This BBAN change is now postponed for a later deploy.


18-04-2020 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:
18-04-2020 22:23
18-04-2020 22:05
Expected new status:
Affected domain:
Short description:
Service unavailable
The dedicated interface has been unavailable from 17-04-2020 05:00 to 18-04-2020 21:32.
The issue was related to a failed upgrade in the underlying infrastructure

15-04-2020 - Operational information (SOLVED)

Last updated:
15-04-2020 07:38
15-04-2020 08:33
Expected new status:
Affected domain:
Short description:
SOLVED: Service unavailable
The dedicated interface has been unavailable in the period from 15-04-2020 07:38 to 15-04-2020 08:33 due to certificate issues.
The services is restored.